Dissemination Conference ISSDC project : "The demographic challenge in the insurance sector"

11 May 2016

The Insurance Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee (ISSDC) is currently running a project on the demographic challenge in the insurance sector. The project is financed by the European Commission, it is led by UNI-Europa Finance – the European trade union for financial services – and it is supported by the employers’ European insurance associations, ie Insurance Europe, Amice and Bipar. The project includes several initiatives, including the organisation of a conference in Bucharest on 11-13 May 2016.

The conference starts with a “Welcoming note by Romanian social partners of the insurance sector” as well as a “Presentation of best practice examples of social partner initiatives on the demographic challenge” on 12 May.

Mr. Calin Rangu is speaking on the 13th May, 2016, as President the Institute of Financial Studies (ISF) and Executive Director at CIO Council, on ”Digitalisation and the impact on the finance sector in Romania.

In addition to the conference in Bucharest, the project includes the publication of a booklet compiling examples of good practices that insurers or social partners in the insurance sector have established in the respective fields of the agenda, ie work-life balance, qualifications and lifelong-learning, health & safety at work, working longer and telework. The booklet was developed with several insurance companies and national associations providing good practice examples and is ready for distribution at the Bucharest conference.

The conference takes place at the Sheraton Bucharest Hotel, Calea Dorobantilor 5-7. The conference will provide for interpretation in/from Romanian. It is expected to be attended by employees' and employers' representatives from all over the EU.

See here the detailed Agenda

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