Conference "Insurance market in Dobrogea"

10 October 2016

“Financiar” newspaper  held on Thursday, 06.10.2016, the Conference "insurance market in Dobrogea". The main topic discussed was: How can contribute insurances to the development of business? Were talking about the situation and the possibilities for development of insurance business in the counties of Constanţa, Giurgiu, Ialomiţa, Călăraşi, Brăila, Tulcea.

The themes dealt with predilection by speakears during the debate, have been focused on

  • What does the insurance market in Constanta from the perspective of market actors (insurers, brokers, ASF)
  • What are the particularities of the insurance market in Constanța, what other markets in all plumages?
  • How can help insurance activity at the local business development?
  • How to overcome problems related to the lack of financial education, both clients and individuals some of the businessmen?

Among the speakers were:

- Ion Dănuţ Juganaru, General Director, Constanta Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Navigation and Agriculture

- Albin Biro, Member of the Board, the Financial Supervisory Authority

- Mihai Tecău, CEO, Omniasig Vienna Insurance Group

- Silviu Măcrineanu, Executive Director, Dexasig Insurance Broker

- Simona-Luize Utureanu, Deputy Dean Associate Prof. Dr.,  Ovidiu University

- Gabriel Nicolae, General manager, Verasig Broker

- Narcis Nicola, TTS Group(Transport Trade Services)

- Mădălin Roşu, Directorate Member, Omniasig Vienna Insurance Group

- Viorel Preda, Manager, Destine Broker

During the event, it was stressed the importance of brokers in the business of selling insurance products, its quality at the stage of damage dependent on borrowing and the degree of satisfaction of the consumer.

The current state of the market requires improved standards for the sale of insurance and a boosting of certain geographical areas with potential. It was noted the State of development of the insurance market from Romania, in direct correlation with the lack of financial literacy of humble people and anteprenorilor with respect to the insurance market.

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