Business Associates. Experts with you.

15 June 2016

The series of regional events ”Business Associates. Experts with you " organised by The Associates, this year included the cities of Sibiu, Timișoara and Cluj Napoca, has arrived in Galati on June 9, 2016.

The event included two sessions of debate by one and a half hour. In the first session were brought into discussion topics related to resources for financing economic activities of IMM, with the second session to include discussions on issues of tax and financial advice on specific problems of IMM.

Professionals in finance, taxation and consulting offered answers the questions raised by the participants and presented case studies on the various fields of activity.

Among the topics discussed at the event ”Business Associates. Experts with you” were:

• Adequate funding your business - Adriana Tiolan, Director Retail Group, Raiffeisen Bank

• Leasing - financing solution for IMM - Virginia O`Neil, Regional Director, Raiffeisen Leasing

• Added value through financial products-Laura Elly Naghi, General Director Interim, Institute of Financial Studies

• The regional market of insolvency - Bogdan Gorda, Senior Partner, CITR Bucharest

• Tax news in 2016 and their impact on companies - Ionut Măstăcăneanu, Senior Manager, Tax, KPMG

• Financing business consultancy - Daniela Marin, Program Director, Advice for Small Businesses, BERD

ISF presentation, supported by Mrs. Laura Elly Naghi - General Director Interim, highlighted the importance of human resources for a company have become critical for IMM. The added value of this can not be quantified without contribution activity would be devoid of substance.

Therefore the benefits personnel may be used for the purpose of increasing their degree of loyalty-not necessarily in the form of an increase in salary, but also of providing similar advantages in the medium term and long-term private pensions, health insurance-benefits in addition to a limited expense (no associated social contributions) can bring tax deductions and employer.

The major impediment in such situations is the lack of financial education (15% of Romanian adults save money for old age, the average in Europe is 64%, according to a GFK study conducted in 2015) – the lack of  understanding of financial products and the fact that whole generations have emphasized the importance of the existence in the form of monetary resources in the present time, without worrying about the development of medium and long-term funds in the future.

ISF intends to continue such presentations in order to develop financial education degree at national level and to increase understanding, the comfort level of the Romanians with the basic concepts related to non-banking financial products in Romania.

The main partner of the event was Raiffeisen Bank, along with other partners: Raiffeisen Leasing, CITR, KPMG in Romania, the European Bank for reconstruction and development. The event was organized with the support of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture in Galați, the Employers of Small and Medium Enterprises (E.S.M.E.) Galaţi, Enterprising Women, the Association of Aerotravel Romania-Galati and Community Foundation.

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