Bucharest Security Conference 2016

9 November 2016

The National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA) is organising, with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of National Defence and NATO Headquarters, a high level international conference on the 11th and 12th of November to address NATO’s historic decisions to respond to recent security developments and evolving threats on the Euro-Atlantic frontier. The conference “A Changing Security Environment: New Threats, New Solutions” organised bythe NATO Partnership Studies Center within the Department of International Relations and European Integration will be a flagship event in the series dedicated to the celebration of SNSPA’s 25 years of existence as an independent university and school of government and governance. The organizers intend to transform this event into an annual conference in Bucharest which will serve as a platform for analysis and debate, concerning the specific evolutions of the Euro-Atlantic security environment, especially on its frontiers, in Central and Eastern Europe and the Wider Black Sea Area, entitled “Bucharest Security Conference” (BSC).

The panel “Asymmetrical threats and critical infrastructures. Addressing the cyber threat landscape as an operational space” will start from the significant achievements in the cyberwarfare domain, a new  part of NATO’s core task of collective defence, as The Cyber Defence Pledge adopted in Warsaw ensures that  members of the Alliance “will be capable of defending themselves in cyberspace as in the air, on land and at sea”, working together  and contributing to the success of Allied operations.

The Institute of Financial Studies is being represented at this event by Mr Calin Rangu, Chairman of the Board.


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