20 November 2018
During the International Conference on Digitalization and Innovation: new competences in the financial vocational education, the 4th Edition organized by the Institute of Financial Studies on November 15, 2018, was launched the book "CRIME ON FINANCIAL-BANKING FIELD" published by the Hamangiu Publishig, authors being Maria-Georgiana Teodorescu, Rareş Rotaru, Ioana Rusu, Bogdan Bîrzu and Roxana-Maria Chirieac.
Prof. Ion Stancu PhD., General Manager of the Institute of Financial Studies, stated that: "... in a logical succession, the book Crime on Financial-Banking Field provides all the necessary elements of terminological substantiation and good practices regarding financial-banking criminality, responding extensively to key questions in the field. ... Particularly interesting are also the comparative presentations of these elements of legal action with those relevant to the countries with good practice in the field (France, Switzerland, USA) ".
Planificarea examenelor de certificare pentru distribuitori
Noua platformă pentru examinări online
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