Board meeting of European Financial Certification Organisation (eficert)

26 April 2016

Institute of Financial Studies participated between 13 to 14 April 2016 in Berlin at the meeting Board of eficert. On the agenda were discussed topics such as:


-Implementation of the Directive on Insurance Distribution (IDD) in the member countries eficert;

-European Conference of National Training Institutes in Insurance (EIET) from October 2016.

Regarding credentials, it was decided to include certification for financial Consultant under the Sectoral Qualifications Framework (SQF) developed by eficert. Skills and knowledge for this certification will be posted on the website eficert.

On the implementation of IDD in the member states, there were discussed the observed differences in translation of the directive at national level in terms of the provider definition. In this sense, Romania has developed a questionnaire which is available in electronic form (access here). The position regarding the IDD was to use the European Financial Certification Organisation as a system of mutual recognition of national certifications of vocational training in the field.

EIET Conference 2016 will take place October 12-14 in Cyprus, and it is estimated that about 400 people will attend the event. Romania has been proposed for presenting the results of the implementation of the IDD analysis in member countries.

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