1 March 2016
Event organized by the supervisory authority finance and financial studies institute dedicated to tomorrow's generation of financial market professionals
Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA) and the Institute of Financial Studies (ISF) will organize on March 19, 2016 an event for tomorrow's generation of financial market professionals.
The event, called generic addresses !, Be smart middle school children (age category 10-15 years) of financial market professionals. Through this non-formal education program, designed based interactive presentations, open discussions, immersive, children will be explained notions regarding:
- The importance of financial planning:
• how we save,
• saving what we use,
• difference between profit and loss,
• What is the risk,
- What use insurance
- Why is it important financial income diversification.
This event aims to provide children with knowledge and skills useful in the real world. This will pursue learning by children of the importance of financial planning diversified into for hedging and increased wellbeing financial future, how to keep track of financial expenses over a period of time (time management) and how to effectively use a budget (resources financial).
During the event, lecturers specializing in educational activities dedicated to children will interact with participants, giving them explanations and practical exercises involving them in financial planning type competition.
Through this event, ASF and ISF want to be actively involved in the process of increasing the level of financial education among young people, helping to build a sustainable financial education of tomorrow's generation.
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