14 July 2016
From the cycle of periodic financial analysis, the Institute of Financial Studies presents a brief survey of major fluctuations in financial market indicators for the first half of 2016 prepared by Mr. Iulian Panait, a member of the Scientific Board of the IFS.
The analysis presented reveals the stable evolution of the Romanian currency against the euro, the main fluctuations in commodity markets, sovereign bond returns and stock exchanges as a result of the turbulences from the Asian financial markets and the referendum in the UK on the withdrawal from the European Union.
The Institute of Financial Studies, founded by the Financial Supervisory Authority, provides specialized educational programs / training and personal development programs for the development of the organizations, institutions and persons that are working or intend to work within the non-banking financial market. The FSI aims to become a center of execellence in the study of the specific markets and in organizing financial educational programs in order to ensure the competence, skills and knowledge of the employees in the financial sector.
In achieving its objectives, the Institute seeks to provide research studies, analyzes and reports on trends, phenomena and financial mechanisms of the three markets regulated and supervised by the Financial Supervisory Authority, in accordance with European standards.
The full text of the analysis is available on the website www.isfin.ro, within the Research section.
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