27 April 2016
The Institute of Financial Studies (ISF) has organized the educational event ”Alumni 2015 – Time Management”, a 3 hours seminar with the purpose of providing support to sellers of insurance, and not only, in order to increase the efficiency of the professional and personal activities.
The seminar took place in Bucharest, in April 25th 2016, being the second event from the series of those mainly dedicated to all participants in educational events (lectures / seminars / workshops) organized by the Institute of Financial Studies.
The seminar discussed issues concerning personal working style and how this style influences our time management, errors that affect our way of time management, how to plan our business and personal activities and also how to deal with "time eaters".
Speaker of this seminar is Rareș Medrega who graduated the Faculty of Economic Sciences, Finance Insurance Specialization and a Master in Human Resource Management. He has experience in sales, insurance, management, training and business consulting. He is a FSA accredited lecturer, speaker, coach, accredited in project management and holds a LIFO® certification (behavioral analysis method). In the last 13 years Rareș has provided consulting and training for 30 different companies in areas like - insurance, banking, private pensions, IT, government institutions, auto, medical.
People who were unable to attend and wish a possible re-scheduling may request it by e-mail to alina.tudorache@isfin.ro specifying the intention to participate in "Time Management Seminar".
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