ACADEMIC LABORATORY, meeting with students at the University D. Cantemir

22 March 2016

The Institute of Financial Studies (ISF) participated Thursday, on March 17th, 2016, at the event named Academic Laboratory, where the Finacial supervision Authority (ASF), in partnership with Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, held a series of presentations of on about non-banking financial services.  In addition, the ISF representatives introduced the students to an opportunity to enroll in the program ”ECTRANZ - Facilitating the transition from school to workplaces for students in economics”.

This first meeting was attended by university students from all faculties: economy, legal, educational sciences and history. Over the four hours of presentations and discussions, the youngsters were challenged to enter the world of insurance, investment capital market and private pension system, and they were introduced to the possibility of accessing internships with partner institutions, specialized companies in financial services, within the Ectranz program ...details on the program here.

Through this type of events ASF aims to provide young students with access to both the basics, explaining the mechanisms of financial markets, but also to provide information and data applied, case studies and analysis of a prudent approach ...access the presentations here.

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