10 May 2018
The workshop aims to present the method of calculation of stochastic claims reserving methods exemplifying and leading participants to understand when to use each of them.
The workshop will have 6 hours with a strong practical component and a permanent tutorship. All participants will see and will develop examples using their Laptops. They may do it alone or in groups of two or three people.
Who shall attend?
Managers, actuaries, risk managers, technicians, accountants, auditors and controllers, actuarial students and other interested professionals with interest on stochastic claims reserving.
It should be of interest for people working in one of the following areas: non-life insurance, credit insurance, workmen compensation and life insurance risk products.
No specific background is required beyond the basic use of Excel.
The workshop will be held by Luís Portugal, Partner and Managing Director of ACTUARIAL Group. He is specialized in conducting consulting work to insurers and also Lecturer at the University of Barcelona and a Researcher at the University of Liverpool.
Luís Portugal was CEO of two insurance companies, director of the Portuguese Association of Insurers and Chairman of the Portuguese Institute of Actuaries. He was also Consulting/Appointed/Audit Actuary and Risk Manager on more than forty insurers.
The workshop will take place on the 10th of May a.c. between 09:30 and 16:00.
The necessary investment for participating to this workshop is of 990 lei + VAT/person.
At the above fee the following discounts will be granted:
The discounts can be cumulated.
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