5 March 2018
In recent decades, new automotive technologies have permanently contributed to reducing the number of road accidents, but also increasing the safety of the car journey. Moreover, the symbiosis between the technical performance of the car and the ability of people to react in traffic limit situations, to drive the vehicle in a preventive, prudent, predictable and responsible manner becomes essential in the Information technology.
After the safety belt, airbag, ABS, EBD, ESP, ECALL and other technological innovations that have revolutionized the car over the years, today we are seeing a new challenge designed to lead to a higher level of road safety standards and to reduce the number and effects of road accidents. It is telematics technology, a modern technique for remote transmission of driver behavior information, but also a technology with a possible wide aplicatitivitate in the insurance industry.
In this context, the Office of Motor Insurers in Romania and the Institute of Financial Studies organizes the Conference "Traffic safety-an achievable objective", on March 5, 2018, starting at 9:00 at the Sheraton Hotel, in Bucharest.
The event brings together specialists from the Financial Supervisory Authority, representatives of the insurance market and specialized institutions of the state.
The topics of debate are:
• Telematics-technologies the road safety impact?
• How could the behaviour of drivers be influenced with the help of telematics?
• Modern Repair methods
For more details concerning participation or partnerships, please email us: - email: evenimente@isfin.ro, contact person: Andreea Petrache
09.00-09.30 Welcome coffee
09.30-10.00 Opening speech
Leonardo BADEA - President, Financial Supervisory Authority
Cornel COCA CONSTANTINESCU - Vice President, Financial Supervisory Authority
Road safety
Madalin ROSU - President, Romanian Motor Insurance Bureau - BAAR
The challenges of tomorrow
Moderator: Sorin Paslaru, Financial Magazine
Mihai TECAU - Chairman of the Board of Directors, UNSAR
Calin MATEI - Deputy General Manager, Groupama Insurance
Gabriel OPREA - General Manager, RM Alliance
Olliver OLABINRI - CoFounder , Chat2it Ltd
1. Improve Accurate Driver & Assessment & Scoring
2. Inovative GPS Solutions
3. Cost & Benefits of the telematics device
Interactive panel
Madalin ROSU - President, Romanian Motor Insurance Bureau - BAAR
Mihai TECAU - President of Directorate, Omniasig Vienna Insurance Group
Calin MATEI - Deputy General Manager, Groupama Insurance
Victor SRAER - Chairman of the Board of Directors, UNSICAR
11.30-11.50 Coffee break
Moderator: Constantin Rudnitchi, RFI
Live demostration - Ionut IORDAN - VRM Sale Manager Henkel
Police Quaestor Florentin BRACEA - Director of Romania's road traffic police division, General Inspectorate of Romanian Police
Catalin CODESCU - President, Association of Traffic Victims
Mihaela CIRCU - Project Manager, APPA
Driving steadily
Alexandru GRIGORESCU - Specialist Motor Insurance , UNSAR
Identifying citizens ' opinions towards the level of safety perceived in road traffic
Interactive panel
Calin RANGU - Manager, Financial Supervisory Authority
Viorel VASILE - CEO PRBAR, Safety Broker
Silviu MORARU - Defensive leadership specialist
Police Commissioner Bogdan CHIRIAC - Institute for Crime Prevention and Research - IGPR
![]() President Financial Supervisory Authority |
Mr. Leonardo Badea is the President of Financial Supervisory Authority from June 2017. With nearly 20 years of experience on the field of economic university education, Mr. Badea was the Vice-rector at Valahia University from Targoviste, and Dean at Faculty of Economics of the same educational institution.He obtained consecutively a Senate and Deputy mandate in The Romanian Parliament, occupying the positions of Secretary of the Budget-Finance, banking activity and capital markets Commission from Senate, and President of Budget-Finance Commission from the Chamber of Deputies. Mr. Leonardo Badea is doctor in accounting at the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies and graduate of the post-doctoral school in economics of the Romanian Academy. At the same time, he is a member of the European International Business Academy (EIBA) and a member of the Centre D’etudes sur le Développement International et les Mouvements Economiques et Sociaux (CEDIMES). Mr. Badea has a sustained activity in editorial and scientific councils of economic publications, being editor of the “Scientific Council of the Journal of Accounting, Finance Add Auditing Studies” in Turkey, editor of the “Valahia Journal of Economics Studies”, CNCSIS B + and member of the editorial board of "Theoretical and Applied Economics", CNCSIS B +. |
![]() Vice President Financial Supervisory Authority |
Mr. Cornel Coca Constantinescu, Vice President of Financial Supervisory Authority is the representative of the Authority at the EIOPA BoS (Board of Supervisors), has held several positions in financial area, the most recent being the Vice President/Member of Administration Board of ROMEXTERRA Bank; Administrator - MKB ROMEXTERRA Assurance Broker, MKB Fleet Management SRLș General Director - MKB ROMEXTERRA Leasing IFN SA and LEASING DANUBIUS. Doctor of economic sciences, in the field monetary - credit, Bucharest University of Economic Studies; accounting expert, The Body Expert and Licensed Accountants of Romanian. Several specializations on multiple profile courses at: George Washington USA University, Bocconi University from Milan, National Institute of Economic and Accounting Techniques Paris, Reading U.K. University. |
![]() Mădălin ROȘU President Romanian Motor Insurance Bureau - BAAR |
Mr. Madalin Rosu is presently member of the board in one of the largest insurance companies in Romania, Omniasig VIG. Madalin coordinates claims, litigations, operations and digital development divisions at Omniasig. Before joining Omniasig, he worked as Claims Director at Generali. He has over 18 years of experience in insurance field, most of this time in claims. Madalin is active in several entities from insurance field in Romania like UNSAR were he is acting as Responsible of the Motor Insurance Section. Starting with 2017 he is also the President of BAAR (Romanian National Motor Insurers’ Bureau). He is also involved at European level in insurance related activities and he is acting as a member of Accreditation Team in EFICERT (European Financial Certification Organisation). He shares his knowledge and offers support in Romania where for example he has acted as a lecturer in Insurance Management Institute in the past. He has also defined the occupational standard for claims inspectors. Madalin is fluent in Romanian and English and in Italian and French he is at a beginner level. |
Mr. Mihai Tecau began his career in 1996, as part of a market insurance company. The following steps in his career have taken place in leading positions within the Insurance Supervisory Commission.
Police Quaestor Florentin BRACEA |
Mr. Babas Olabinri is a graduate civil engineer and a previously certified professional cost engineer, he subsequently focused on Telematics and the usage of “Big data”. His profound Telematics experience includes; initiating and setting up a best vehicle usage safety practice for major blue chip international oil company, consultancy on the implementation of usage based insurance policies, and many other facets of Telematics. The holder of a US patent,(EU patent pending), on car communications. This entrepreneur is now promoting his unique disruptive vehicle communication tool, based on Telematics, as a solution for distracted driving. |
![]() Călin RANGU Manager Financial Supervisory Authority |
Mr. Călin Rangu is double licensed in economics and engineering, PhD in neural networks applied in financial series processing, MBA graduate in banking and finance, University Lector at Administration and Political Studies National University, MBA Lector for City University of Seattle. He published over 100 articles, and two books, being organizer or speaker in major Romanian conferences related to consumer protection, alternative dispute resolution, financial and banking sectors, IT, cyber-fares, operational risk management, or management and processes. Călin is acting as Director of Intermediary Supervision and Conduct Guidelines Division, ex-director of financial services Consumer Protection Directorate of Romanian Financial Supervision Authority (FSA), President of the Institute of Financial Studies, President of FSA Shareholder Group in Consumer Protection, former deputy director of Integrated Supervision Directorate of FSA, and he has a rich experience in management, banking, operational risks, consumer experience, IT and financial services, products and technologies. He acted over 13 years as director in National Bank of Romania and Raiffeisen Bank, and general director of Romanian subsidiary of Raiffeisen Informatik Austria Group. |
Mr. Viorrel Vasile has an experience of over 19 years in insurance field. During 7 years he worked as General Manager of the company Forum Insurance. In 2005 we founded the insurance company Safety Broker, today leader on Romanian brokerage market, as CEO from over 12 years. Starting with 2017 he is Founder Member and President of the first Patronate of Romanian Insurance Reinsurance Broker (PRBAR). In 1999 he graduated the Faculty of Finances, Insurance, Banks and Stock Exchange, at Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Finance – Insurance department.
Mr. Victor Sraer is 39 years old and is the founder and general manager of Otto Broker. He graduated the Faculty of International Economic Relations - Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies and numerous internal and international courses in Communication, Management and Sales. He has over 18 years of experience in insurance, since December 2011 he is a member of UNSICAR's Board of Directors. In 2001, at the age of 23, Mr. Sraer founded Otto Broker.
Institute for Crime Prevention and Research - IGPR |
Mr. Chiriac Bogdan, Police Commissioner at the Institute for Crime Prevention and Research - I.G.P.R., is licensed in Sociology and Psychology, with a Master in Conflict Analysis and Management and in Communication and Public Relations. The Police Commissioner has been involved in the crime research and prevention activity since 2006, contributing to several road safety studies, including all the annual editions of the Road Safety Bulletin. At the same time, Mr. Chiriac contributed to the realization of numerous researches and studies elaborated in the activity of I.C.P.C. - criminology, organizational psychology / sociology, organizational communication, etc.
![]() Defensive leadership specialist |
Mr. Silviu Moraru has 28 wins in Romanian Rally Championship; 20 years in Romanian Rally Championship driver/codriver; 2 times winner of Romanian Rally Championship; Drive in 2003 in World Rally Campionship like codriver for Titi Aur; From 2010 Master Trainer in Academia Titi Aur.
A lawyer with extensive professional experience in the field of traffic accident investigation, but also in the field of non-life insurance and damage assessment, Mr. Codescu also holds the position of President of the ^Traffic Victims Association.
Mrs. Mihaela CÎRCU is Project Manager at APPA - Insurance Promotion Association - the NGO that has developed the first national consumer information and education campaigns - and XPRIMM Development Director, a Romanian media company specialized in the insurance industry CEE and SEE. Mihaela has a 14 years of experience in insurance and private pensions in Central and Eastern Europe. She graduated the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Mihaela is also licensed CII - Chartered Insurance Institute in the UK.
Mr. Gheorghe Gabriel Oprea is General Manager at RM Alliance - authorized distributor of Mobileye in Romania. Graduated the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Mathematics with Informatics specialization, is a Romanian entrepreneur and an investor in technology companies in Romania. Founder of RSC (Romanian Soft Company-2001), a national leader in software solutions for the medical field. Subsequently, RSC has expanded its portfolio, being a reference provider for complex solutions such as Petrom Card or IVMS, technologies that facilitate safe use and efficient fleet management. Besides the business where he is an investor, he has been involved in social projects within the University of Bucharest. The interest in Mobileye is due to both the exceptional technology and the social impact of using ADAS systems.
Ionut IORDAN |
Mr. Ionuț Iordan is Sales Manager VRM Romania at Henkel Romania, responsible for Loctite and Teroson, both technically and commercially for the entire country. Vocational training: road engineer with 13 years' experience in the field. |
Bachelor degree in Transports and motor vehicles. More than 10 years of experience in claims management in Romania. Coordinator of the Motor Insurance Section of UNSAR from the middle of 2017. |
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