How to check your business partners eligibility

4 April 2017

Financial analyst's work involves mainly analyzing both historical financial statements and prospective of the borrower and also analyzing the market conditions and their impact on commercial loan repayment.

But not just the finance department is responsible for crediting business partners, an important role it has also the sales team.

”Did you know that the average debt collection increased from 60 days in 2007 to 114 days in 2015? Did you know that 6 out of 10 shareholders or directors of insolvent companies are also involved in other firms?”

KeysFin experts will explain how to find and interpret all the necessary information in order to make correct decisions regarding business partnerships and to avoid the risk of non-payment of bills. 

In this workshop you will learn:

  • What is credit risk
  • How to check and evaluate business partners
  • How to set contract terms and manage claims


Diana Florescu - KeysFin financial analyst. Develops and interprets reports / complex and detailed analytics about various economic sectors (with a focus on financial banking).

Andreea Bazac - KeysFin financial consultant. Develops rating methodologies and limit credit, reports regarding Business Information and specific studies. 

Bogdan Avramescu - KeysFin business developer. Promotes risk management solutions and fraud prevention.

Investment: 300 lei + VAT/participant. A discount of 5% wil be grated for the registrationof at least 2 persons from the same organization.

The workshop will take place on Tuesday, April 4, between 15.00 - 19.00.

We are at your disposal for any further details and registration at the event. You can contact us by e-mail at or by phone at the number 0758 491 980.


Best regards,

ISF team


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