26 May 2016

ISF and the partner MobilEye have organised on Thursday, 26 May 2016, an event presenting the topic: costs associated to road incidents with implications on stakeholders from all associated activities.

The increasing number of vehicles, as well as the number of drivers, has caused an increased risk of accidents. For this reason, urgent problems are those related to training drivers, the way that the technical condition of the vehicles is required, but especially the concern to avert the risk of accidents. All these constitute a priority objective, having social consequences, economic and financial activity in several areas: education, health, insurance, leasing etc.

The event took place at the Sheraton Hotel, Avalon hall, starting at 14.30, and included a session of presentations and a networking session, as it coud be noted in the agenda of the event.

Presentations session opened the following subjects to the participants:
- Mr. Raz Peleg, Regional Sales Director, Mobileye has exposed several international examples of users, studies, and results obtained using type ADAS solutions,
- Mr. Madalin Rosu, UNSAR and Member of the Executive Omniasig raised legal challenges in RCA
- Mr. Remus Stoica, Project Manager, Institute of Financial Studies argued the need to initiate a research project with the objective: reviewing actuarial analysis with a model to pursue the relationship between ADAS systems implementation, impact on reducing damage claims and the insurance premiums
- and Mr. Lucian Danilescu, partner Mares/Danilescu/Mares SCA brought up a review of the implementation of normative, legal point of view, on possible solutions.

The theme of the event brought, by its specificity, interest to owners of cars, leasing companies, transport companies, insurance companies, professional associations, regulators and end-users.

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