Conferinţa 'Metode de soluționare alternativă a litigiilor - Arbitrajul'

19 September 2016

The event is organized by the Council of Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution in partnership with the Commission of Law, Discipline and Immunities of Chamber of Deputies and the Court of Judicial Arbitration.

The Conference debates the various alternative methods of settling disputes, in particular arbitration, its benefits for natural and legal persons, the situation of the implementation of the Ordinance 38/2015 concerning alternative dispute resolution between consumers and traders, which transposes into Romanian legislation Directive 2013/11/EU relating to alternative dispute resolution and the regulation 524/2013 concerning the settlement of Online disputes.

The event takes place on Monday, September 19, 2016, starting from 10.00 in the Palace of Parliament, the Chamber of Deputies, Mihai Viteazu Hall.

The Conference brings together experts in the field of arbitration and other forms of alternative dispute resolution, representatives of public institutions and public authorities, professionals and representatives of the business environment.

Participants in this event will learn important details from representatives of entities that carry out alternative dispute resolution procedures in the field of consumer protection, which will address topics of interest such as:
- Current methods for Dispute Resolution in Romania
- Institutions carrying out alternative dispute resolution procedures
- Advantages of arbitration for individuals and companies
- Permanent arbitration institutions

The result pursued is to clarify aspects concerning the advantages of arbitration and other forms of dispute resolution.

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