ATLAS Business Game

29 March 2017

The Institute of Financial Studies in partnership with LIMRA EMEA invites you to participate at the first open edition of the ATLAS program in Romania, a simulation involving the management of a life company, between 29th and 30th of March, 2017.

During the simulation, participants divided into at least 3 teams will determine the business strategy of the company based on past performance and evolution of the business environment, in the end being able to recognize the impact of decisions throughout the company, to plan and develop the strategy to be implemented, according to the company's objectives and to identify the best investment opportunities for optimal performance of the company.

Information about ATLAS Business Game event, organized by IFS, can be found by accessing the presentation brochure. Participation to this events involves an investment of 2500 lei + VAT and includes: coffee, water, snacks, participation certificate.

In order to register for this event please contact us at

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