Act for Impact - Child & Youth Finance International Summit

28 June 2016

Act for Impact - the 4th Child & Youth Finance International Summit will convene government officials, senior practitioners, innovators and young people to address the gaps, challenges and opportunities for economic empowerment of young people across the globe. Discussions will be accelerated, best practices shared and duplicated and concrete steps taken in the development of a global plan of action for youth economic citizenship.

The 2016 summit, which will be hosted by the National Bank of RomaniaMinistry of National Education and Scientific Research and Financial Supervisory Authority of Romania, with the support of the Institute of Financial Studies, Bucharest University of Economic Studies and Policy Center for Roma and Minorities will be centered around the launch of the strategy for the 2016-2020 period, which is the result of a year-long multi-sector, multi-stakeholder process, entailing consultations with our partners and network members from 140 countries across the world.

The International Summit will ultimately inspire active youth participation and outreach both nationally and internationally and incorporating youth views in the strategic planning of the international network.

The key objectives of the Summit are to:

  • Launch the 2016-2020 strategy
  • Share innovations and best practices based on the current youth economic citizenship landscape
  • Present effective project models that can be taken to scale
  • Offer hands on workshops and knowledge sharing sessions to promote institutional learning and the dissemination of best practice
  • Inspire active youth participation and outreach both nationally and internationally and incorporating youth views in the strategic planning of the international network

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