This LOMA course describes the marketing, regulation, and administration of reinsurance. It teaches how reinsurance agreements are negotiated and how insurer licensing rules and financial condition requirements regulate reinsurance agreements, as well as the basic methods of reinsurance record admin
Mai multe detalii »Seminarul aplicativ "Gradul de concentrare È™i tendinÈ›e anti-concurenÈ›iale pe piaÈ›a asigurărilor. Studii de caz - România vs. UE" se adresează persoanelor care lucrează în domeniul concurenÈ›ei (firme de consultanță, case de avocatură etc.) È™i are ca obiectiv prezentarea unor a
Mai multe detalii »This LOMA Supplement is not a stand-alone course, but rather builds on the knowledge from two LOMA online courses: Reinsurance Basics and Intro to Life and Health Insurance Products. The learner should have already completed the previous two courses prior to reading this PDF Supplement. Language: E
Mai multe detalii »This short, game-show-themed LOMA course introduces the key stages in the life cycle of an insurance policy—from initial planning and product development, through policy application and underwriting, and finally, through policyowner service and claim administration. After completing this 30-mi
Mai multe detalii »This LOMA course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of reinsurance activities in the insurance industry. Key topics discussed in this course include (a) the advantages and disadvantages associated with using reinsurance; (b) the parties to a reinsurance contract; (c) the risk transfer proc
Mai multe detalii »The LOMA course identifies the main types of reinsurance, explaining why insurers use reinsurance and how reinsurance affects the insurance industry. Additional topics of discussion include: (a) the relationships between the parties to a reinsurance arrangement: (b) how insurers and reinsurers use p
Mai multe detalii »LOMA 308 course presents basic economic, financial, and business concepts and practices related to insurance company management, operations, solvency, and profitability. The course utilizes extensive examples and exercises that enable learners to understand and apply important financial concept
Mai multe detalii »This LOMA course demonstrates how service providers can align their work activities with their company's strategic plan through the effective management of time and stress, covering practical topics such as (a) personal planning; (b) prioritizing tasks; and (c) being proactive in learning and develo
Mai multe detalii »Brokerage firms are required to supervise their registered reps and other employees to make sure they comply with federal securities laws and NASD and NYSE rules. The penalties for improper supervision are steep. Supervisors who fail to meet their obligations can be fined, suspended, barred from the
Mai multe detalii »For service providers, upset customers provide some of the greatest challenges of the job, but turning an upset customer into a satisfied customer has proven to greatly enhance a company's chances of keeping that customer for the long term. Working with Upset Customers demonstrates how to handle on
Mai multe detalii »Planificarea examenelor de certificare pentru distribuitori
Noua platformă pentru examinări online
Specialiștii constatare daune își desfășoară activitatea profesională în domeniul asigurărilor, în conformitate cu prevederile legale în vigoare și cu respectarea cerințelor privind pregătirea profesională....Click aici pentru detalii >
ANUNÈš PRIVIND ÎNSCRIEREA LA EXAMENE ORGANIZATE LA SALÄ‚ Vă informăm că, pentru a asigura posibilitat...vezi tot
În vederea simplificării procesului de validare È™i alocare a creditelor anuale de pregătire profesională conti...vezi tot
ANUNT IMPORTANT Institutul de Studii Financiare va informeaza ca examenele online pentru pregatirea continua a ...vezi tot
Institutul de Studii Financiare a devenit membru afiliat al OECD/INFE (ReÈ›eaua InternaÈ›ională pentru EducaÈ...vezi tot
Cea de-a doua editie a Conferintei nationale organizate de Biroul Asigura...vezi tot